Meet Jimmy!

Jimmy was born and raised in McLean, Virginia. His love for our Dranesville community started at an early age when he was first learning to swim at Spring Hill Rec and checking out books at the Dolley Madison Library. After earning degrees at Williams College and Stanford Law School, Jimmy knew he wanted to return to McLean to raise his own family and ensure they were afforded the same opportunities that he was.

Jimmy has been an active community leader and has done work to shape policy at the local, state, and national levels. After working on healthcare reform advocacy at Families USA, clerking for a Federal judge, and a career as a litigator in private practice, he joined the Federal Government as an Attorney Advisor at the Department of Homeland Security during the Biden-Harris Administration.

In addition to his work for the federal government, Jimmy has been a member of the Fairfax County Police Civilian Review Panel since 2019, providing oversight of the police department and strengthening the relationship between law enforcement and the community it serves. From March 2021-February 2022, Jimmy chaired the Panel, focusing on increasing transparency and accountability and promoting a safer community.

Jimmy has also been active in local Democratic politics, serving on the Dranesville District Democratic Committee, which he also chaired. Doing so allowed him to stand up for the values of our community and to fight to see positive change brought to the area.

Jimmy, his wife, and their son live in the Dranesville District.